在三月的“三八”国际妇女节之际,加拿大高校文学社秉持一贯的尊重妇女,尊重女性,崇尚女性社会奉献的社会原则与责任,同时也为了配合约克区“COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING PLAN” Project,在三月份连续利用三个周末举办了系列文学艺术讲座,特别邀请了三位在各个领域取得卓越成就的女性嘉宾做客文学艺术讲坛,在社区引起了极大的反响和好评。


On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, the Canadian Literary Association of Higher Education upholds its consistent principles and responsibilities of respecting and honoring women, advocating for female social contributions. In conjunction with the “COMMUNITY SAFETY AND WELL-BEING PLAN” project in York Region, the society organized a series of literary and artistic lectures over three weekends in March. They specifically invited three accomplished women from various fields to speak at the literary and artistic forum, which garnered significant response and praise from the community.

The three invited female speakers were Ms. Danielle Chen, Dr. Susan Chang Su, and Dr. Maggie Han. These distinguished professionals, all successful in their careers and heavily engaged in their respective fields, have a significant impact on the community. Upon hearing that the Literary Society aimed to contribute to the Safe Community project, they willingly dedicated their weekends to deliver two-hour lectures for both the society and the community. The topics of the lectures were as follows:


A discussion on how art contributes to the enhancement of community value and sustainability。

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Promoting Mental Health Care! Cultivating a Positive Self!— Insights from the movie “You Only Live Once”

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Self-driving to the Arctic: Follow me to the end of the world to see the aurora!

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The three outstanding female guests, with their profound understanding and rich experiences in literature, arts, life, and society, delivered three captivating lectures for the community on March 9th, 16th, and 23rd, Saturday evenings. The lectures were insightful, sparked lively discussions, and attracted a large audience. Not only did the guests delve into the impact and sustainability of art on the community, the importance of mental health in life, and their exploration of humanities and northern communities through Arctic expeditions, but they also actively engaged in post-lecture interactions with the audience, fostering vibrant discussions.

Through their presentations and interactions, the female guests demonstrated their deep understanding and positive contributions to society, life, and the promotion of a healthy community. Their efforts underscored the significance of women’s contributions to the community.


Partial images of Ms. Chen’s lecture

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Partial images of Dr. Su’s lecture

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Partial images of Dr. Han’s lecture

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主讲嘉宾简介:陈丹蕾 Danielle Chen





Ms. Chen is employed at a Fortune Global 500 company, where she has been involved in information technology industry channel market development and marketing for over twenty years. She has consistently received the company’s highest achievement awards for multiple years, earning outstanding reputation in the industry. Alongside her professional career, she pays attention to personal branding and also works as a part-time career branding consultant.

Adhering to the concept of boundless art, Ms. Chen has long been utilizing her spare time to provide high-quality services in the field of arts to artists from various countries. She regularly organizes art exhibitions and cultural exchange activities such as art salons.

Danielle has a wide range of interests and engages in various activities such as art appreciation, gallery curation, literature, dance, and exploration of new technological projects.

As the Vice President of the Canadian Colleges Athletic Association (CCAA) and the Canada-China Economic and Cultural Exchange Association (CCEA), she is passionate about community welfare, focusing on the growth of youth and leadership development. She hosts high-tech lecture series and cross-year forums, actively contributing to the establishment of a better community.

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主讲嘉宾简介:苏畅 Susan Su

苏畅博士 Susan. Ph.D. 加拿大Brandon 大学心理系Associate Professor。兼WCCYC加拿大青少年心理咨询中心心理治疗师。东北师范大学加拿大校友会创会会长和名誉会长。获得加拿大York University 社会心理学和人格心理学博士学位,并完成该大学的健康学院三个博士后。十六年来在加拿大不同大学从事心理学教授和中西方心理健康的科研工作。国内外心理学领域工作三十多年。主要研究移民及留学生,和青少年心理健康相关的心理学科研课题。荣获加拿大移民安居研究的社会科学奖和加拿大心理学会跨文化情绪研究最佳演讲奖。业余时间热心公益,多年心理健康互助义工。疫情下服务加拿大社区/York Region教育局心理健康讲座超过十几场,荣获CNIW 杰出社区奉献奖。多次倾情参与和组织支持华人社团的大型体育活动,歌舞演出。喜欢画画,旅行,写诗和散文,分享人生感悟。

Dr. Susan Chang Su, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Brandon University in Canada. She also works as a psychotherapist at the WCCYC (Wellness counselling centre for Youth of Canada). Dr. Su is the founder president and honorary president of the Northeast Normal University Alumni Association of Canada. She holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology and Personality Psychology from York University in Canada and has completed three post-doctoral fellowships at the Faculty of Health. Over sixteen years, Dr. Su has been involved in psychology teaching and research on mental health in both Western and Eastern cultures at various universities in Canada. With over thirty years of experience in the field of psychology both domestically and internationally, Dr. Su’s main research interests include psychological research topics related to immigrants, international students, and adolescent mental health. She has received the Social Science Award for Canadian Immigration Settlement Research and the Best Presentation Award for Cross-Cultural Emotional Research from the Canadian Psychological Association. In her spare time, Dr. Su is actively engaged in volunteering for mental health support and public welfare. During the pandemic, she has conducted over a dozen mental health seminar for the Canadian communities and the York Region District School, earning her the Outstanding Community Contribution Award from CNIW. Dr. Su has also been involved in and organized support for large-scale sports events and performances for Chinese universitiy alumini communities multiple times. She enjoys painting, traveling, writing poetry and prose, and sharing insights into life.

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主讲嘉宾简介:韩笑博士 Maggie Han






  • University of Toronto Lecturer
  • Host of A1 Chinese Radio on Sing Tao A1 Radio
  • Vice President of Canada-China Economic Trade and Culture Exchange Promotion Alliance (CCEA)
  • Executive Director of Center for New Immigrants Well-being Foundation (CNIW) in North America
  • Co-founder and Chief Editor of Chinese Hotspot

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Thank you for the wholehearted dedication of the three outstanding female guests. The Canadian Literary Association of Higher Education extends its sincere gratitude to them and warmly welcomes them to continue delivering themed lectures at the society in the future, enriching the cultural and artistic life of the community.

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(加拿大高校文学社 供稿)